Block Party Tips

Have you just moved to a new neighborhood and would like to get to know your new neighbors? These block party tips will help you host a better summer block party. After you have settled into your new home, get ready to host the most fantastic block party ever. Not sure how to do this, follow below block party tips to get some ideas.

Amazing Block Party Planning

Hand out a letter to everyone in your neighborhood explaining what your intentions are and see if anyone would like to help in the planning of this amazing summer party. Make sure to put a way to contact you on this letter so people will know how to reach you.

Once you have some volunteers, then you all can come up with a theme and get started planning. Decorations, invitations, activities, entertainment, laws, and guidelines will have to be decided.

The invitations should go out as soon as you set a date and have everything approved by the city. Pick a location in the middle of the block. For easy access and safety reasons, pick a house that has the driveway in the front or a circular path. This is a great place to set up the grills and all things associated with the food and beverages at your party.

Before you can set up anything though, make sure all the yards have been cleared of anything that could be a liability such holes in the yard and loose stepping stones. Make sure all the garbage and dog waste is cleaned up in the yards and on the street as well. This could be a great job for all the children in the neighborhood.


Entertainment is going to be the biggest thing at the party, right behind food. You’re probably going to have all the neighborhood kids and their friends there, as well as plenty of adults, so you want to be sure that there is plenty to do. Some ideas of what you can include are:

  • A balloon artist
  • (Lead-free) MoonBounces
  • Face painters
  • Smores and Fire Pit Station (for adults and teens)
  • Simple carnival games (DIY or not)
  • Water balloon games
  • Access to a pool if possible!
  • Live music performances (especially from people in the neighborhood)

With these planning tips, you can a great summer block party – just be sure everyone is safe! Hopefully, all of your neighbors decide to attend, but in case they don’t, respect their wishes but try not to plan too much around their property and keep the music as moderate as possible.


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Tips For Hosting A Summer Block Party

by balloon artist time to read: 2 min
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