Party Preparation

You want to throw a great party, but you aren’t sure where to get started. There are so many things to do, so many people to invite, and schedules to cross-reference—it can all start to seem pretty daunting. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

With a great foundation, you can have a fantastic party. That’s why it’s important to prepare a room for your party before you start setting out the party favors. Here are five tips for preparing your room for a big party!

1. Make Enough Room for Comfort

First, you’re going to want to clean and clear out the room you’re using for the party. Take out any bulky furniture, keepsakes, and personal items. You can deep clean the room yourself or even hire a maid service to make sure that it’s truly spotless.

Then, consider the kind of party you’re having. Is this a casual get together, or will there be a more active atmosphere? Will people be likely to sit and talk while they eat, or knock back shots and eat finger foods? How many people do you expect, and are there planned activities that would require them to all be sitting or standing at the same time?

Once you’ve figured that out, use the appropriate seating and tables to make sure everyone has plenty of space to dance, talk, and eat.

2. Don’t Hesitate to Call for Help

When you’re cleaning, you may find some unexpected surprises in the party room. In these cases, you may even see signs of a pesky bug infestation. These bug infestations could include spiders, wasps, cockroaches, or even earwigs, and they might just kill the party mood. If you find signs of pests, don’t hesitate to call an exterminator to ensure that you won’t have any embarrassing mishaps during your party. This will favor people who begin preparations a few days before as you will have time to address the problem. If you find something like water damage, you’ll want to get someone to come out to repair it.

While it may be infeasible to get someone out in time to fix very serious problems, you should be able to get the right people out in time to fix minor to moderate problems in a timely manner. If you run into big problems (soft floors, excessive mold on walls, a huge infestation of pests), then you may want to either delay the party until the problem is resolved or host your party away from your home.

3. Arranged Seating and Storage

This is especially important when working with smaller spaces. When everyone wanders around with no particular idea of what to do or where to go, things can get crowded fast. And if you haven’t given them enough space for coats, jackets, and bags, then the room is going to seem even smaller (so try your best to give them some space).

To combat this, offer open but assigned seating. That way people won’t be constantly bumping into each other in a search to find a spot. You can also offer space by the front door, a nearby closet, or a smaller room for your guests to leave their cumbersome personal belongings such as coats and bags.

4. Decorations and Personal Touches

It may seem a little ridiculous to clear a room out just to add things back in, but having the right decorations can set the whole mood, change the entire atmosphere, and lets your guests know that you cared enough to put the time in.

While “themes” are debatably out of style, tasteful decorations that both please the eye and add some function to the room never waiver. String lights, disposable table covers (to make clean up easy), and fun shot glasses can all add to the decorum. You can always go with a pipe and drape wall if you’re wanting to encourage some dancing, or if you’re doing a celebration, you can always install a monogram projection for a personalized touch.

For an extra personal touch, add gift “bags” (or boxes, mugs, so on) filled with candies with personalized candy wrappers, drink mixes, or other fun, party-relevant goodies.

5. An Area for Entertainment

If you plan to have a speaker, dancing, karaoke, or any other sort of entertainment, then you’ll want to make the space for entertainment beforehand. This will avoid the awkward situation of everyone having to leave the room and come back, or get up and move their seats around. Providing a planned area for entertainment is awesome, even if the entertainer falls through. You can easily use the space for other things.

Even if you feel your party is a bust (which too many hosts tend to believe, no matter how great everyone tells them it is), you’ll feel better knowing that everyone enjoyed the decorations, atmosphere, culinary delights, and effort that you put into the party. Planning a party isn’t always as fun or glamorous as it sounds, but with enough effort and planning, it always turns out awesome.

Looking to add some fun to your event? Contact Jonah’s Twisters to book a balloon artist for your next party.


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How to Prepare a Room for a Party

by balloon artist time to read: 3 min
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