If you have children but aren’t a video gamer, you might be anxious about the day your little ones display interest. The experience should be fun, safe, and brimming with life-affirming joy. Here are some tips on bringing interactive entertainment into your home.

Choosing Systems

To begin, you’ll need specialized electronics. Gaming consoles connect directly to televisions. Sony and Microsoft are two of the most popular manufacturers; respectively, their platforms are the PlayStation and Xbox. Both offer a wide array of entertainment options, making them best for families with players that range in age. If the primary players in your house are younger, consider buying a Nintendo system. The Nintendo Switch is the gaming innovator’s latest console. Besides featuring games with characters that children adore, the controller doubles as a portable handheld.

Personal computers are perfect for gaming. Search on Steam for popular downloads and unbeatable deals. Buying and trading used software is a thrifty tactic. When planning birthday parties, a trip to Chuck E. Cheese, where video games reign supreme, remains less expensive than shelling out for a sleek gaming rig. Keep in mind other ways of saving a dollar on these annual celebrations.

Selecting Games

Not every piece of software is family-friendly. You’ll want to keep juveniles away from mature and violent content. The Entertainment Software Rating Board exists to help parents like you. The ESRB attaches ratings with every game, much like movies receive content warnings from the Motion Picture Association. Check them out before opening your wallet. Franchises that are safe to explore include the Lego series and Harry Potter.

Playing Minecraft

One of the most popular games among younger demographics is Minecraft. Industry observers calculate that 126 million people indulge regularly. Since it is multiplayer, participants often come into contact with strangers. Setting up an exclusive server where your brood can explore helps lower the danger.

Minecraft is better when many players are involved. Attract others with a modest campaign, and then screen applicants. Stir up interest by creating an online banner to post on relevant discussion boards. Online tools can help you with Minecraft banner designs. To start, you’ll choose a pre-made template. Then, you’ll customize your selection with backgrounds, fonts, and custom image assets.

Staying Online

Since Minecraft and other multiplayer games require internet access, you don’t want your connection to drop. Improve yours by placing the router in an optimal position. Periodically restarting this gadget, also known as power cycling, sometimes alleviates technical difficulties. It is also wise to make sure your router has the latest firmware.

Being Safe

Since being online is essential to modern gaming, kids who game need protection. Talk with yours about the risks of interacting with strangers in virtual realms. Ask salespeople about parental controls when making in-store buys. Disable webcams and built-in messaging tools. Look for games with local co-op features, so you can actively get involved and monitor playtime without being overbearing.

Enjoying Benefits

Despite the risks, the benefits of gaming win. Team-based games teach the value of cooperation and clear communication. Logic puzzles stir critical thinking and decision-making abilities. There are even diversions that encourage physical movement. Your tykes will be burning calories without their knowing.

Allowing popular interactive entertainment, such as Minecraft, into your home can be intimidating, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the hobby and subculture. With the right approach, your whole family will enjoy the world of digital fun.

Alyssa Strickland created millennial-parents.com for all the new parents on the block. Alyssa believes the old adage that it takes a village to raise a child, but she also thinks it takes a village to raise a parent! Millennial-Parents is that village. Today’s parents can be more connected than ever and she hopes her site will enrich those connections. On Millennial-Parents, she shares tips and advice she learns through experience and from other young parents in three key areas — Education, Relationships, and Community.


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Video Games, Your Family and You: A Newbie’s Guide

by Alyssa Strickland time to read: 3 min
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