An active kids party mean lots of laughter, games like laser tag and plenty of treats. Most parents want to plan a party that meets these criteria. At the same time, they want this party to check off all the safety boxes, too. Once you add tag or slip-and-slides to the mix, the chances of kids getting hurt increase. However, it’s not so much a matter of forgoing these activities as it is of taking the right precautions.

Space Requirements

Figuring out the space requirements for a kids’ party counts among the most challenging tasks of party planning. This holds particularly true if you plan on the kids playing with large, active toys and games such as laser tag, slip and slides and bounce houses. If you have a small backyard, plan on allotting five square feet per person to make the set-up comfortable and safe. If you can’t swing that, then plan your party around a specific activity and venue; for example, hold a party in a bowling alley or at the local zoo. The venue owners for these activities have already figured out the space requirements for you.

Safety Features

Active kids’ parties require more attention to safety. Supervision is important as are first aid kits. It’s also important to check the play area for possible toxins or objects that can potentially cause accidents. Slip and fall accidents can do serious damage both immediately and long term. In light of this, recruit more chaperones for the party. You might have eagle eyes, but it’s unlikely that you can turn your head all the way around. More grown-up eyes mean fewer accidents.

Plan Food Carefully

Active parties present some different problems that you’ll see with other kinds of parties, particularly where food is concerned. Kids play hard at active parties. They build up an appetite and need to eat. However, they may also develop side cramps as a result. To avoid this, treat the party like a marathon. During the play portion of the party, provide plenty of drinks that replenish the body’s electrolytes. Keep healthy carbohydrates on hand for the kids to eat while the games are still in play. Once the real play concludes, then you can serve a meal. 

Active Kids Party Wrap up

An Active kids party gets the heart pumping and the laughter going. However, they also come with their own set of challenges, including safety ones. Making sure you have enough space and enough chaperones will help you sidestep some of these issues. Finally, plan out your snacks, treats and meals to keep kids satisfied and fueled. These things will help make sure all the kids have a great time at the party.

For more fun, hire Jonah to be a balloon artist for your party! Take a look at the different party packages we offer and see which one best fits your needs.


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What Do you Need for an Active Kids Party?

by balloon artist time to read: 2 min
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