Great parties don’t happen by accident, but anyone can host one. The following party tips can make your good party great. The difference between a good party and a great one is often found in the little details. While the right decor and music can set the perfect mood, it’s subtle nuances that take a get together over the top.

The Food

Obviously, you want the food you serve at your party to be delicious. Remember though that tasty doesn’t have to mean complicated. Your guests will likely be standing or perched on the edge of your furniture while they eat, which can get messy with sloppy and complicated dishes. Opt for clean and easy to eat finger foods so your guests can focus on each other rather than trying not to spill their plate on your carpet. No matter what you serve, do it buffet style so your guests can choose the foods they want and not feel pressured to clean their plate or eat something they dislike.

Prepare a Few Words

In some instances, it’s appropriate to say a few words at a party or toast the guest of honor. While you may be tempted to wing it, doing so makes it easy to start rambling and bore your guests. The key to giving a memorable speech is to plan ahead. Write your speech out and practice it. Remember that the average person speaks about 125-150 words per minute—meaning 5 minutes of talking would entail about 625-750 words. Add a bit of appropriate humor if the occasion allows, and make your words personal and relevant rather than generic. Your guests may not remember exactly what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel. Feel free to make them laugh or tug on their heartstrings a bit.

Encourage Mingling

It’s crucial to encourage mingling if many of your guests don’t already know each other. An excellent way to do this is with conversation starters like creative name tags. Give everyone a nickname based on their occupation, for instance, and encourage guests to try and guess each other’s job. You can also offer party games to help break the ice but choose them carefully. Opt for fast-paced card games where keeping score isn’t necessary and dealing with guests in and out is simple. Cards Against Humanity is an excellent option, but you can also use Apples to Apples for a tamer crowd.

Stock Your Supplies

Make sure you have things prepared for any occasion. Have extra cleaning supplies, and dry goods like extra cups, bowls, plates, toilet, paper, or whatever people may need. Help save your guests some potential embarrassment by preparing your bathroom early. Stack a roll or two of toilet paper on the bathroom counter in plain sight so no one runs out. If someone spills a drink or drops their plate, having a plan in mind can help save your flooring and furniture, but also helps you look like a really well-prepared host. You could also prepare the rooms by marking out very clear locations where it’s acceptable to eat, where the bathroom is, where party supplies are, and whatnot.

Party Tips Final Thoughts

These party tips can help take your party to the next level, but remember that it’s the people who make the event special. Throwing the perfect party is a great feeling, but your guests will absolutely forgive you and even laugh with you if something goes amiss. Do what you can to make your party a hit but remember to go with the flow once the festivities begin.
What party tips do you have that we may have missed? Leave your party tips in the comments.


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Small Details that Make a Good Party a Great One

by balloon artist time to read: 3 min
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