According to researchers, approximately four out of ten workers claim their jobs are doable from home. Many new parents are pursuing careers right where they live. This provides the opportunity to take care of children while still earning a paycheck. Simultaneously handling both responsibilities, however, is an incredible challenge. The following tips from Jonah’s Twisters can help you balance these objectives.

Being Productive

Removing distractions from working environments is essential. Turn off social media during official hours, and put your cell phone where it won’t pose temptation. Stock up on office supplies so you don’t have to run out in the middle of the workday.

If you want to push yourself even further, now’s the time! For instance, if you’ve always wanted to teach, you can open doors by pursuing your teaching certification right now. And thanks to the flexibility of online learning, you’ll have more freedom to care for your little ones throughout the day.

Speaking of your little ones, create a space in your office where they can play. A simple turn of the head will provide reassurance that they’re fine. Make sure it’s comfortable and accommodates their needs. You can decorate this corner by painting cartoon characters on the walls. Supply soft furniture that reduces the odds of falls and temper tantrums. Efforts such as these will have your kids calling this spot their own

Becoming Boss

When working for someone else, you’re at the beck and call of a supervisor or manager. It’s simpler to watch after kids when you’re in control of scheduling. Starting a business affords this flexibility. You’ll be able to address conflicts or bumps and bruises at any moment without fear of being reprimanded. 

That said, building a startup comes with its own set of struggles. Make the journey easier on yourself by using accounting software and working with a formation company to register your business. One business necessity is designing an eye-catching logo. Professional illustrators can be prohibitively expensive. Why not make your own with a free online logo maker? No experience is necessary. Just sift through templates, images, fonts, and colors. Then, pick the ones that match your enterprise.

Prioritizing Childcare

When work is always steps away, there’s the risk of becoming obsessed. Remind yourself that nothing is more valuable than time with loved ones. Your babies won’t be under your roof for long. Cherish every moment they’re craving positive attention and reaching for your embrace.

Schedule breaks during which you solely focus on being a caretaker. Planning activities ahead helps these events go smoothly, removes some of the pressure, and builds anticipation. Incorporating simple chores into parent-child time, such as making a game out of sweeping floors when you’re preparing lunch, results in more getting done. Bedtime is precious; combine special rituals with nighttime routines.

Nurturing Yourself

Constantly expending energy on work and kids is exhausting. Giving attention to personal needs lowers the odds of burnout. Soak your muscles in a warm bath when the opportunity arises, or kick back with a piece of popular fiction. Try meditation. Every evening, devote time to connecting with your significant other.

Another way of increasing calm is maintaining a clean and organized workspace. Less stuff makes concentration easier and facilitates natural workflow. Excise anything that triggers negativity. Hire a professional organizer if you’re having trouble deciding what to discard. If you have stacks of paperwork everywhere, eliminate this nuisance by electronically converting documentation.

Prioritizing your children while working a full-time occupation amplifies the difficulty of each. The good news is there are strategies designed to support reaching your goals. Experiment with them until you strike harmony.

Jonah’s Twisters specializes in creating all kinds of balloon animals and sculptures. Call 781-249-6262.


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Survival Strategies for juggling Parenthood While Working From Home

by Alyssa Strickland time to read: 3 min
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