Credit card fees are non-refundable.
Birthday Parties: Payments will only be refunded if client cancels more than thirty-six prior to Event. If Client cancels thirty-six hours or less prior to event, or if entertainment services are rendered impossible by Client or Venue Conditions, Client must pay Jonah’s Twisters the full amount due. This amount is prepaid credit for an event within twenty-four months of the original event.
Larger Events: Payments will only be refunded if client cancels more than fourteen days prior to Event. This will enable Jonah’s Twisters to secure a replacement event. Additionally, if client cancels thirty-six hours or less prior to Event, or if Entertainment Services are rendered impossible by client or venue conditions, client must pay Jonah’s Twisters the full amount due. This amount is prepaid credit for an event within twenty-four months of the original event.